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Our vision, Active - Aspire - Achieve, forms the foundations of our curriculum.  Through engaging topics, we aim to develop our children into life-long learners, immersing them in the topics and subjects that they are learning.  As far as possible, cross-curricular links will be made allowing children to transfer the knowledge and skills that they have to a range of tasks.  This then develops further with links made across year groups ensuring children have the opportunity to review and build upon previous learning.  


At Amotherby, we want to develop a love of learning through a rich and broad curriculum.  Through our curriculum, it is our intent that children understand the world around them and that they have a greater understanding of why each individual subject is important to their own personal development.


At Amotherby, we firmly believe that reading is at the core of all learning.  We place great importance on developing our children as readers through access to quality texts.  Our younger pupils, who are just starting their reading journey, have access to a wide range of phonetically decodable books that will help them with their phonic recognition. We are a Little Wandle school and more on the scheme can be found on our dedicated phonics page on the website. Once our children are able to read confidently, they have access to a range of wonderful books that we seek to constantly update.  Alongside individual readers, children are read to on a regular basis in class and have constant access to high quality texts through the school library and guided reading texts.  Our aim is to ensure our children enjoy reading, seeing the benefits and wonderful opportunities reading can offer.

Subject visions are available, and these are deeply rooted in the school vision and provide a clear intent detailing what we would like all our children to achieve in that subject area. A clear route for implementation is identified, allowing for consistency across the school. Through this vision statement, teachers are able to ensure they enable all children to reach the high expectations we set across all subjects. Skills and knowledge progression grids have been devised to ensure that we build upon previous learning and to ensure there is a clear route of progression in the skills and knowledge that is being taught. 

At the core of our curriculum is the intent to ensure that children see the value of each subject and core questions allow us to focus learning and our pupils' understanding. These core questions are revisited each time the subject area is taught.  Links will be made to previous topics to review prior learning before embarking on the new topic.  Regular reviews of learning take place across a topic, helping children to recall their learning and committing the knowledge to long term memory.  Opportunities to apply skills across the curriculum are sought and planned for. 

We place a focus on our local and wider community and then look to the wider world, encouraging our children to develop a better understanding of the world around them and the impact they can have on the future of their community and the planet.  Throughout the curriculum we seek opportunities to teach diversity, acceptance and understanding.   

Our children are encouraged to take an active role in all aspects of their learning.  Through our behaviour policy, we encourage our children to aspire to be the best that they can be, using praise as a driver to encourage kindness, determination, perseverance and independence etc.  


Through our curriculum it is our aim that all pupils will achieve their full potential and develop a love of learning that extends beyond their time in education.  They will leave with an in depth understanding of key topic areas and a greater understanding of the importance of each taught subject area and the relevance it has on their individual lives.  Our pupils will have an understanding of their local area as well as the wider world and will understand the impact that they can have on the world around them.

Take a look at the PowerPoint below for further information about our curriculum and how we teach at Amotherby Primary School. You can then click on the links to see our range of documents. If you would like to find out more, or have any questions, please contact the school office via email or phone to arrange an appointment (contact details available under contacts on the website).